The results were spectacular. After five months, he lost 15kg, was at his lowest weight in 30 years and was running faster than he had in 20 years. -Tim Noakes discussing his new low carb diet.
Carbohydrates have always been a staple food for runners, but According to Noakes, he's all but eliminated the following from his diet (from Runners World New Zealand):
Breakfast cereals
Some high energy fruits like bananas
Cakes and sweets and other desserts
Artificial sweetners and products containing these products
Noakes is careful to explain that he believes a low carb approach helps him control a condition called carbohydrate resistance (CR- his body does not metabolize carbohydrates properly leading to higher body fat) so may not apply to everyone.
Remember, this is an observation by one individual, not a research study. Food for thought though.
This is an observation by one individual, right, but it's a base for research! good!